Mesothelioma Compensation Calculator

By Marlon Harewood. Last Updated 1st September 2022. Welcome to our guide on our mesothelioma compensation calculator. Have you or a loved one been exposed to asbestos, leading to mesothelioma? If so, you may be able to claim.

Mesothelioma often has a poor outlook once diagnosed. This is because symptoms don’t tend to appear until later stages, at which point the disease can quickly progress. But if you’ve been diagnosed with this condition, or you’ve lost a loved one to work-related mesothelioma, you could be owed compensation.

Mesothelioma Compensation Calculator

In this guide, we will highlight how asbestos exposure could result in you developing lung damage, chest pain and pleural mesothelioma. We’ll also provide examples of circumstances that could cause you to develop the disease.

mesothelioma compensation calculator
Mesothelioma compensation calculator guide

In addition to this, we will explain how you could be appointed a No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel who could win you thousands of pounds in mesothelioma compensation. 

Our advisors offer free legal advice 24/7. So, if you have any questions or queries, you can contact them at a time that works for you. Call them now using 0800 408 7826 or get in touch using our callback form. Alternatively, please read on to find out more about how our compensation payout calculator could help you. 

Jump To A Section

  1. A Guide To Using A Mesothelioma Compensation Calculator
  2. What Is Mesothelioma?
  3. What Damages And Benefits Could You Claim?
  4. About Mesothelioma Illnesses And Compensation Claims
  5. Mesothelioma Incidence Statistics
  6. Could I Be Compensated For Care Costs And Medical Expenses?
  7. How You Use A Mesothelioma Compensation Calculator
  8. What Payments Could You Claim For Mesothelioma?
  9. Mesothelioma Claims – How Much Could They Be Worth?
  10. Could I Claim Mesothelioma Compensation With A No Win No Fee Claim Agreement?
  11. Get Free Advice About Your Claim From Our Team
  12. Ask If Our Team Could Help Calculate Your Claim
  13. References And Case Studies
  14. FAQs About Mesothelioma Compensation Claims

A Guide To Using A Mesothelioma Compensation Calculator

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that can affect many aspects of your body. Usually, it causes damage to the lining of the lungs, which can gradually incapacitate you and eventually prove fatal.

It’s often caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a material made up of fibres, and it used to be used in building materials. When material containing asbestos is damaged, it can produce dust which, when breathed in, allows the fibres of asbestos to enter the lungs and damage them.

If you have been exposed to asbestos because of your employer’s negligence, you may be able to claim. This is where our mesothelioma compensation calculator can help. It can quickly and easily inform you of the amount you could receive.

All you need to provide is the type of injury caused, the circumstances surrounding how the injury occurred and the value of any lost earnings you would like to be included in the claim.   

What Is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that usually occurs in people who have been exposed to asbestos. It develops in the lining that covers the outer part of some of your internal organs. It usually affects the lungs, but it can also affect the stomach, testicles or heart. 

According to the NHS, mesothelioma is very difficult to treat, partly because symptoms tend to only emerge decades after asbestos exposure. Cancer can also impact people differently depending on the part of the body that has been affected. 

For example, pleural mesothelioma, which affects the lungs, has symptoms that include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Fatigue
  • A persistent cough
  • Fever

In contrast, symptoms from mesothelioma found in the lining of the stomach include:

  • Swelling or stomach ache 
  • Feeling or being sick
  • Constipation or diarrhoea 

Mesothelioma can also technically affect more than one section of your body. This is called diffuse mesothelioma. 

If you’d like to make a claim or have any questions, please call our advisors for free legal advice using the phone number at the top of this page. 

What Damages And Benefits Could You Claim?

There are two potential heads of claim when making mesothelioma claims, as with any personal injury claim. General damages relate to the physical pain, psychological damage and decline in your quality of life caused by the injury or illness.

Special damages, meanwhile, relate to the financial losses caused as a result of it. This means you could claim for things like:

  • Loss of earnings
  • Loss of future earnings
  • Travel costs
  • Care costs
  • Prescriptions or medication

You’re not guaranteed special damages just because you have been awarded general damages. You need to provide evidence of the losses you have incurred.

However, you cannot receive special damages if the courts have not awarded general damages. This is because if you have not been awarded general damages, the defendant would not be considered liable for your injuries. Because of this, they’re also not responsible for any costs you have incurred as a result of them.

About Mesothelioma Illnesses And Compensation Claims

This section will explain aspects of the illness in more detail, including how you could develop mesothelioma and the potential risk factors. Remember, if you have any further questions about the claims process, you can always get in touch with a member of our team for free legal advice. 

How Do People Develop Mesothelioma?

This type of cancer is usually caused by being exposed to asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibre-like material that the construction industry used in the past.

When these fibres are breathed in, they can cause damage to the lining of the lungs. The damage will usually happen over time, and long-term exposure is usually required before you fall ill.

Asbestos is not dangerous if left alone. It’s only when the material is disturbed, releasing dust that contains asbestos that can be breathed in, that there is a risk of developing mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Risk Factors

According to Cancer Research UK, there are four main risk factors that could result in you developing mesothelioma. The primary risk factor is asbestos due to how it can affect your lungs. The secondary risk factors are:

  • Erionite
  • Fluoro-edenite
  • Painting

Erionite belongs to a group of minerals called zeolites. It has been used in various products, such as soil conditioners and animal feed.

You may have been exposed to it through working in the mining industry. This is also how you may have come in contact with Fluoro-edenite. 

If you’re a painter, you could also be at risk of developing mesothelioma. This is because paint used to contain asbestos as a filler. This means that if you’re working over areas that have been previously painted with asbestos-containing paint, this could release dust that you may breathe in. 

Who Could Develop Mesothelioma?

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), one in seventeen British carpenters born in the 1940s will die of mesothelioma. This is because of their likelihood of being exposed to asbestos over the course of their career. 

Due to this, other workers that could develop the disease include:

  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • Decorators
  • Ship-workers

The British Lung Foundation confirms that older people are at a greater risk of developing mesothelioma than younger people. This is because of two different factors; firstly, because older people are more likely to have come into contact with asbestos before it was found to be dangerous. Furthermore, mesothelioma can take up to 30 or 40 years to exhibit symptoms. 

With that in mind, however, you can also develop mesothelioma by living with someone who works with asbestos. 

This is because they can bring the fibres back home, and you can breathe them in. Over a long period, this could cause you to become ill.

What Workplaces Are At Greater Risk Of Exposure?

Asbestos wasn’t just used to construct buildings such as schools and homes. It was also used to construct industrial buildings. This means that people who work in mechanical and industrial fields can be at risk.

Examples of workers that could be at a greater risk of developing mesothelioma include:

  • Construction workers
  • Shipyard workers
  • Power plant workers
  • Insulators
  • Boiler workers

If you’ve developed mesothelioma because of the negligence of your employer and want to see if you can claim, use our personal injury calculator to see the amount of compensation you could receive. Alternatively, give us a call to speak to one of our advisors for free legal advice using the phone number at the top of this page. 

Mesothelioma Incidence Statistics

mesothelioma compensation calculator statistics graph

The HSE monitors reported work-related injuries and deaths across Great Britain. They also collect information on work-related mesothelioma deaths. 

The graph above shows the number of death certificates that mentioned mesothelioma in 2019. It shows the difference in the rate of men and women who had death certificates mentioning this condition. As we can see, the rate of male fatalities far outstrips the number of male fatalities.

You can use our mesothelioma compensation calculator to see the amount you could claim in minutes. Alternatively, you can call our phone number at the top of the page to speak to one of our advisors for free legal advice. 

Could I Be Compensated For Care Costs And Medical Expenses?

As a disease, mesothelioma can do severe damage, which often cannot be reversed. Once the disease has reached a state where it can be diagnosed, you can become very ill.

Because of this, you may also want to claim for care costs as part of the special damages head of your claim.

You could claim for things as: 

  • Adjustments to your home, such as a care bed installation or chair lift being installed
  • Amendments to your car like, for example, making it wheelchair accessible
  • A private care nurse or gracious care if your loved one needs to take time off work to look after you or drive you to appointments. 

For more information about financial support, you can visit the British Lung Foundation website. 

How You Use A Mesothelioma Compensation Calculator

Our mesothelioma compensation calculator can give you an accurate estimate of what you could receive in the event of a successful claim. However, please bear in mind that it will only take into account general damages and loss of earnings. If you have any additional special damages, like care costs, these won’t be taken into account when you use our calculator. 

We use figures from the Judicial College guidelines in order to value the general damages head of your claim. They have analysed recent compensation payouts in relation to the severity and type of injuries suffered. 

Because of this, they have been able to produce guideline compensation brackets for a wide range of different injury types. However, you should be aware that these are just guidelines; because they aren’t guaranteed, the amount of compensation you could claim might differ.

In order to value the general damages part of your claim, you will often be invited to a medical assessment with an independent expert. This will allow them to assess your injuries and confirm that they were caused by your accident. This can then be used to work out how much compensation you’re entitled to.  

What Payments Could You Claim For Mesothelioma?

As well as general damages, your claim could also include special damages. This part of your compensation is for if you’ve suffered any financial losses due to the injury in question.

If you wish to claim for financial losses, you’ll need to provide evidence of how your finances have been affected. This includes providing things like:

  • Receipts
  • Invoices
  • Bank statements

Mesothelioma Claims – How Much Could They Be Worth?

Mesothelioma compensation payouts in the UK can depend on the severity of the injury and how it has affected your quality of life.

A claimant could not only receive a significant award in general damages but could also request long-term compensation to cover their care or treatment costs and possibly even their affected income.

We can show you what could be awarded in general damages as compensation in your mesothelioma claim. As explained, this is the amount of compensation you would receive for the physical pain and mental suffering your injury has caused you – the table below shows how general damages has been awarded to people claiming for mesothelioma, and other asbestos-related diseases, in past court claims.

InjurySeverityCompensation BracketDetails
MesotheliomaSevere£63,650 to £114,460

Mesothelioma causing extreme and severe pain, impairing both function and quality of life. Duration of pain and suffering will be a contributing factor to determining amount of compensation.
Lung cancerFatal in most cases£70,030 to £97,330Lung cancer which, while it might be as painful as Mesothelioma, will be more protracted.
AsbestosisSevere£35,500 to £105,850Asbestosis and pleural thickening. Can cause progressive symptoms of breathlessness due to lessening of lung function. It can progress to cause more severe breathlessness.
Post-traumatic stress disorderSevere£56,180 to £94,470Permanent effects to person's mental health and wellbeing which stops them from working at all and impairs them from functioning at anything like the level they were before the trauma.
The injuries below don't directly link to Mesothelioma but are injuries you could sustain from working in a similar industrial environment where such an injury could occur.
HearingLoss£31,310 to £45,540

Total loss of hearing in one ear.
HearingSevere£29,710 to £45,540

Severe tinnitus and noise-induced hearing loss.
ChestFractureUp to £3,950Fracture of ribs or soft tissue injuries that cause serious disability or pain but only over a period of weeks.
Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)Most Serious£16,760 to £31,640Caused by the frequency, magnitude, transmission and duration of vibrations and is usually a slowly progressive condition. This amount would be for persisting bilateral symptoms in a younger person which significantly intrude with their daily life to the extent where they need to change employment.
Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)Moderate£8,640 to
Victims in this bracket will be middle-aged where either employment has continued or they've changed employment in order to remove exposure to excess vibration.
Mental anguish£4,670Fear of impending death which can be caused by a reduction in expectation of life.

The compensation figures shown are taken from the 2022 editions of the Judicial College Guidelines. However, do not take the brackets as guaranteed as every claim is assessed individually.

If you were eligible to claim for financial losses – special damages – you could gather:

  • Receipts, invoices or other records of the financial losses you are suffering
  • A medical report, if possible, that outlines how long your injury could last, and lists your requirements for care or treatment
  • Payslips that can show how your injury has affected your income

To find out more about mesothelioma claims, reach out to our team today. They can provide free and personalised estimates for your claim.

Could I Claim Mesothelioma Compensation With A No Win No Fee Claim Agreement? 

Our panel of solicitors can represent you on a No Win No Fee basis if your claim is strong enough. This means that:

  • You won’t be asked to pay any upfront fees to your solicitor, and there is also nothing to pay them as they work on your claim. 
  • They will not request legal fees if your claim is unsuccessful. 
  • Instead, they will take a legally capped percentage of your compensation as a “success fee”. 

Another advantage of a No Win No Fee agreement is that if you’re offered one, it often means that your claim has a good chance of being successful. This is because your lawyer is risking the fact that they will not be paid if they don’t win your claim. 

Get Free Advice About Your Claim From Our Team

We hope that you have found this guide useful. If you have any more questions or would like to start a claim today, you can:

  • Call us now using 0800 408 7826
  • Write to us using the Live Chat window on the right-hand side of your screen.
  • Contact us via our website

Ask If Our Team Could Help Calculate Your Claim

We understand that some people may not want to use our online calculator. Perhaps you’re having difficulty doing so, or maybe you would rather speak to someone directly about the details of your case.

Whatever the reason, we can help. Simply get in touch with a member of our team today using one of the methods we’ve listed above. You could be connected with a No Win No Fee lawyer from our panel.

References And Case Studies

For more useful information, please use the links below. 

The Department for Work and Pensions has provided a study regarding the average civil compensation in mesothelioma cases which you can find here.  

The NHS has provided information on asbestos and its effects.

Cancer Research UK supplies more information about mesothelioma

Other Personal Injury Claims Guides You Can Read

FAQs About Mesothelioma Compensation Claims

For answers to frequently asked questions about mesothelioma claims, view below. 

How much compensation will I get for Mesothelioma in the UK?

As with all personal injury claims, it depends on the extent of the injury and how it’s affected your life. For free legal advice to help you further, please call us using the phone number at the top of the page. 

How long does a mesothelioma claim take?

It depends on the intricacies of the case. Straightforward and simple claims will usually be resolved sooner than more complex cases. 

Can you claim for mesothelioma after death?

You can claim for mesothelioma after someone’s passed away. The deceased’s executors of the estate would need to handle this. For more information about how you would do this, call our advisors. 

Thank you for reading our guide on how to use our mesothelioma compensation calculator. We hope that you’ve found it useful. 

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