If you want to claim compensation for an injury that was caused by someones else’s negligence, a personal injury damage calculator can be a useful tool. It may help you to estimate the amount you could receive in a claim.

This guide explains how to use our compensation calculator and the information you’ll need to submit. It also explains the personal injury claims process in detail and how much you could be entitled to if your claim is a success.
Our advisors are on hand to offer you free legal advice about the process of making a claim. Furthermore, if they think you have a good chance of success, you could be passed to a solicitor from our panel.
You can get in touch with us using the methods below:
- Chat with us through our live chat feature
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Choose A Section
- Personal Injury Damage Calculator
- What Is The Definition Of A Personal Injury?
- Examples Of An Accident Causing A Personal Injury
- Potential Impact Of Suffering A Personal Injury
- How Can A Personal Injury Damage Calculator Help Me?
- Connect With No Win No Fee Lawyers For Personal Injury Claims
- Learn More About Using Our Personal Injury Damage Calculator
Personal Injury Damage Calculator
If you’ve been injured in an accident that happened because of a breach of duty of care. A duty of care is when someone is responsible for ensuring your safety in the workplace.
When you make a claim successfully, you might be awarded two different heads of claim. General damages compensate for the pains and suffering due to your injury. This includes physical pains as well as emotional pain and suffering.
The table below shows some injuries and the corresponding compensation brackets from a publication called the Judicial College Guidelines. They are used by legal professionals to help value claims. For this reason, the amount you actually receive might vary from the figures in the table below.
Injury | Notes | Amounts |
Brain and Head Injury (b) Moderately Severe | Seriously disabled with substantial dependence on others. | £219,070 to £282,010 |
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (a)Severe | All aspects of the life are badly affected and prospect of recovery is poor | £59,860 to £100,670 |
Chest Injuries (b) Traumatic Injury | Reduction of life expectancy and physical disability caused by traumatic injury. | £65,740 to £100,670 |
Asthma (a) Severe Disabling asthma | Physical activity and ability to work grossly restricted by symptoms such as prolonged and regular coughing | £43,060 to £65,740 |
Neck Injuries (a) Severe (iii) | Fractures or dislocations that lead to severe, permanent disability. | £45,470 to £55,990 |
Back Injuries (b) Moderate (i) | Can include crush fractures of the lumbar vertebrae causing constant discomfort and pain. | £27,760 to £38,780 |
Leg Injuries (b) Severe (iii) Serious | Injuries causing instability, a long treatment period, near-certainty of arthritis and extensive scarring. | £39,200 to £54,830 |
Wrist Injuries (b) | Significant permanent disability but with some useful movement. | £24,500 to £39,170 |
Knee Injuries (a) Severe (iii) | Continuing symptoms such as pain, discomfort and limited movement. | £26,190 to £43,460 |
Ankle Injuries (c) Moderate | Fractures and tears to the ligaments. | £13,740 to £26,590 |
Special damages can compensate you for the financial losses caused by your injury. Costs you’ve already incurred as well as future financial costs can be part of special damages.
However, you will need proof of these expenses to be able to include them in your claim. Travel expenses lost earnings, future lost earnings, and future lost pension contributions can all form part of a special damages claims.
Get in touch with us to see how our personal injury damage calculator could help you.
What Is The Definition Of A Personal Injury?
If you’ve been injured as a result of negligence, then you might be able to make a personal injury claim. If successful, then the compensation you receive will relate to the impact the injury has had on you.
To make a personal injury claim, you need to prove that:
- You were owed a duty of care
- There has been a breach of the duty of care (also known as negligence)
- This breach has caused you to sustain an injury
In order to understand who owes a duty of care, we need to know the meaning. Duty of care is a legally imposed responsibility towards your safety, and it can be owed in a number of circumstances.
For instance, employers owe a duty of care to employees according to the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. They are to do all that is reasonably necessary to maintain their health and safety.
Similarly, a road user owes a duty of care to other road users according to the Road Traffic Act 1988. Road users should follow the guidance in the Highway Code to maintain the health and safety of other road users.
If you’re in a public space you’re owed a duty of care by the person in control. This is set out in the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957.
If you’ve been injured because of a breach of duty of care, refer to our personal injury damage calculator or speak with an advisor today. You could be connected with a No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel.
Examples Of An Accident Causing A Personal Injury
There are many accidents that can result in personal injury. Accordingly, you are able to make a personal injury claim if a third party was negligent and has caused your injury.
Some examples of such accidents can include:
- Road traffic accidents: Failure to adhere to the standards of the Highway Code may cause road traffic accidents. For example, you might sustain a head injury or a broken cheekbone if hit as a pedestrian by a car running a red light.
- Workplace accidents: Your employer should maintain good housekeeping and perform risk assessments as part of their duties. Failure to do so could result in slips, trips and falls from clutter in walkways.
- Public place accidents: You could be shopping in a supermarket when a shelf falls on top of you because it’s not secured to the wall. As a result, you could sustain a broken wrist and a brain injury.
You might not see your injury type listed above, but don’t worry. You may still be able to claim provided a breach of duty of care caused the accident which left you injured.
You can get a valuation of your claim by using our personal injury damage calculator. Or, you can speak with a member of our team about your claim today.
Latest Personal Injury Statistics
According to statistics from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) statistics for Great Britain 2020/21:
- Half a million workers were suffering from a work-related musculoskeletal disorder in 2020/21. This covers new disorders as well as ones that are longstanding.
- 0.4 million workers sustained a non-fatal injury in this year according to the Labour Force Survey.
- There were 142 workers killed at work in this period as reported under The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013.
Potential Impact Of Suffering A Personal Injury
The impact of a personal injury can be far-reaching, affecting many areas of life. Some injuries can be relatively minor and you might make a full recovery. At other times, the impact could be life-changing with lasting consequences.
If you’re left with physical injuries after an accident, then this could stop you from living your life the way you did before. For example, if you were an avid sports player before an accident that left you paralysed, you might not be able to do the things you did before the accident. In some cases, you might not be able to return to work.
Furthermore, you might sustain psychological injuries as a result of negligence, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This could be a result of the accident itself. However, your mental health might also be impacted as you cope with the injuries you’ve sustained. For example, if you’re left with a scar injury, the cosmetic impact might cause you to experience anxiety.
For more information on the way that an injury can impact your life, and how you might be able to claim, speak with an advisor today. You can also use our personal injury damage calculator to see how much you could be owed.
How Can A Personal Injury Damage Calculator Help Me?
A personal injury payout calculator can be a good tool to use. It can confirm that you’re eligible to claim.
Furthermore, you can use it to see how much compensation you could be entitled to. You’ll be asked to input information on the severity of your injuries, when they happened and who was at fault.
The compensation calculator can also take into consideration any loss of earnings that you’ve experienced and include them in your valuation. However, it won’t consider any additional special damages, so if you’d like a more accurate assessment of your claim, you can get in touch with our team today or use our personal injury damage calculator.
Connect With No Win No Fee Lawyers For Personal Injury Claims
If you are a bit daunted by the thought of making a personal injury claim alone, you don’t need to worry. Our advisors may be able to connect you with our panel of personal injury solicitors who are able to claim on your behalf. They can represent you on a No Win No Fee basis by entering into a Conditional Fee Agreement.
With this kind of agreement in place, you will not pay upfront or ongoing legal fees. A small capped percentage of your compensation will go to your lawyer if your claim is successful. You don’t pay them this fee if your claim’s not a success.
Call to speak with our advisors to see how working with a No Win No Fee solicitor could benefit you.
Get Help Using Our Personal Injury Damage Calculator
We understand that some people may need some support with using the personal injury damage calculator. If you call us our advisors can walk through the tool with you over the phone.
To get in touch with us, you can:
- Chat with us on the chat feature on the bottom right of this page.
- Call us on 0800 408 7826
- Fill out the contact form on our website
Learn More About Using Our Personal Injury Damage Calculator
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Other resources:
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents– A charity that aims to reduce the risk of accidental injury.
Motor Insurers Bureau (MIB)– The MIB can compensate people who’ve been involved in an accident with an uninsured or untraced driver.
NHS 111– They can give you help and advice on what to do with your symptoms.
For more information on using our personal injury damage calculator, get in touch with our team today.
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