Welcome to our guide on how you can use our broken forearm compensation calculator to work out how much you could be owed if you’ve suffered an injury. Were you injured in an accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence? If so, you may have grounds to claim provided you have evidence to prove that someone breached their duty of care to you.

Our guide aims to provide you with the information you need to claim compensation by making a personal injury claim. However, if you’re unsure of whether you have a valid claim our advisors can help.
They can assess the details of your case to determine whether or not your claim has a chance of succeeding. If it does, they can connect you with a personal injury solicitor from our panel to represent you on a No Win No Fee basis.
For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0800 408 7826 for free legal advice. Otherwise, continue reading for details on the typical payouts for a personal injury at work, in public or on the road.
Jump To A Section
- A Guide To Using A Broken Forearm Compensation Calculator
- What Is A Broken Forearm Injury?
- What Am I Entitled To After Breaking My Forearm?
- How Do People Break Their Forearm Bones?
- Rates Of Breaks And Fractures
- Broken Bone Care And Assistance Compensation
- Check How To Use A Broken Forearm Compensation Calculator
- Check What You Could Expect To Claim
- Broken Forearm Compensation Calculator
- No Win No Fee Claim Agreements For A Broken Forearm
- Contact Our Team For Legal Advice
- Ask If We Help Calculate Your Injury Claim
- What To Read Next?
- FAQs On Broken Bone Injury Claims
A Guide To Using A Broken Forearm Compensation Calculator
Accidents can happen anywhere. However, you may have been owed a duty of care if the accident happened at work, in public or on the road. For that reason, if someone breached their duty of care and it led to you suffering an injury in an accident, you could claim.
Our guide will provide examples of how an accident might happen in various places. For example, an accident at work, a car accident or through slipping, tripping or falling in a public place. We’ll also explore how someone may have been liable.
Additionally, you may be interested in seeking legal representation but have apprehensions regarding the cost. If so, we’ll be guiding you through accessing expert legal advice from a solicitor through a No Win No Fee agreement.
Most importantly, we’ll be explaining how you can use our compensation payout calculator to work out how much you may be owed. In addition, we’ve explored the different types of damages you can claim.
Remember, you can get in touch with our team on the number above if you have any questions after reading our guide.
What Is A Broken Forearm Injury?
If you’re wondering ‘how do you know if you fractured your forearm?’ or ‘can you fracture your forearm and still move it?’, this section could help.
The NHS recommends seeking immediate medical advice if you notice the following signs of a broken forearm:
- Pain
- Bruising
- Swelling
- Difficulty using or moving the affected area
If you experience any of the following broken forearm symptoms, the NHS suggests seeking immediate medical attention:
- Your arm is at an odd angle
- Bone poking through
- Numbness or pins and needles in the affected area
This type of injury may involve breaking a forearm bone such as the radius or ulna. For that reason, a doctor may determine the nature and severity of your injury by organising an X-ray or CT scan.
How do you treat a fractured forearm?
Broken forearm treatment may vary depending on the type of fracture you have.
For instance, if you have a simple forearm fracture, you may require a cast or splint to keep the bones in line while they heal.
However, if you have a more complex fracture such as a compound or displaced fracture, you may require more extensive treatment such as surgery.
Either way, it’s important that you seek medical advice to prevent any long term complications. For instance, permanent deformity.
If you require any medical advice, visit the NHS website or speak to a trained medical professional.
How long does a forearm break take to heal?
Depending on how severe your broken forearm is, it could take up to 8 weeks before the broken bone heals. However, for more severe fractures, it could take longer.
What Am I Entitled To After Breaking My Forearm?
A personal injury claim allows you to seek different types of damages which combine together to make up your overall compensation package.
For instance, general damages will compensate you for your injury. They cover the physical and psychological pain and suffering you’ve endured as a result. In addition, they cover any long term impacts such as paralysis, ongoing pain or problems with mobility.
Additionally, if you’ve incurred any financial losses you could claim for them under special damages. They cover any past and future financial losses such as:
- Lost earnings
- Medical expenses e.g. private physiotherapy
- Travel expenses e.g. visiting your doctor via taxi after being left unable to drive
However, it’s important to note that you’ll need to provide evidence of the accident and the injuries you sustained. For instance:
- CCTV or dashcam footage
- Pictures of the accident scene
- Pictures of your injuries
- Police reports
- Medical documents and reports
- Witness details so your solicitor can obtain a statement
Additionally, you’ll require evidence for any additional damages you’re claiming. This might include payslips to show any loss of earnings or receipts for any other expenses.
How Do People Break Their Forearm Bones?
There are many ways an accident involving a broken forearm may happen. However, to be able to make a claim, the following three criteria must be met:
- Someone owed you a duty of care
- They breached their duty of care to you
- Their negligence contributed to the accident that caused your injury
We’ve included some road traffic, public place and accidents at work compensation examples below. Additionally, there are examples of suffering an injury through a criminal act such as abuse or assault.
However, if you’re still unsure whether someone was liable for your accident, call our team on the number above.
Car Crashes
All road users, including car drivers, should do everything reasonably possible to keep others safe when using the road. The Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code provide rules and regulations to prevent accidents from happening.
A road user could be responsible for breaching their duty of care if they fail to comply with the government legislation. This could result in someone suffering an arm injury.
For instance, if someone was texting while driving they could fail to notice another car coming towards them, leading to a head-on collision in which someone suffers a fractured forearm.
Motorcycle And Biking Accidents
Riders of motorbikes and pedal bikes are also responsible for ensuring they don’t breach their duty of care to other road users.
For instance, if a motorcyclist is unqualified, they could inflict harm to others on the road through irresponsible driving, such as dangerous overtaking or undertaking.
Abuse And Assault
You may have been subject to a criminal injury that caused your broken forearm. For instance, you may have experienced assault whilst being mugged or suffered domestic abuse at the hands of someone you trusted.
If so, you could make a claim through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA).
The process is a little different to a personal injury claim though. So if you have any questions, please contact our team for help and advice on the next steps you could take.
Child Abuse And Criminal Injuries To Children
If you’re a parent of a child who’s been a victim of child abuse or another criminal injury, a claim can be made through the CICA.
They deal with claims of child abuse where you may not know who the abuser is. This provides the chance to get compensation for any pain and suffering endured by the child.
Furthermore, compensation can be claimed for any physical or psychological injuries suffered.
Call our team for more information on making child abuse claims through the CICA.
Direct And Traumatic Blows To The Forearm
Accidents involving a direct and traumatic blow to the forearm could happen in various places including a public place. Owners of a public place have a duty of care as per the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 to do everything reasonably possible to keep you safe.
For instance, if there is building work being done on a public street, the occupier should ensure they have taken safety precautions to protect members of the public walking by.
This might include putting cones up to keep people away from areas where debris may fall. If they don’t, someone could be injured.
Falls From The Same Level Or From A Height
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) recorded 19,219 non-fatal slips, trips and falls on the same level in the workplace in 2019/20. RIDDOR recorded an additional 5,124 non-fatal falls from height in the workplace in 2019/20.
These accidents could have happened if an employer failed to comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
For instance, an employee could fall from a defective ladder and suffer a broken forearm if an employer failed to carry out a risk assessment or maintenance checks on the equipment.
Rates Of Breaks And Fractures
According to RIDDOR, there were 18,535 fractures reported by employees that happened in accidents at work in 2019/20.
Additionally, there were various fractures recorded in the reported road casualties in Great Britain: Annual Report 2019. For instance, police recorded the following through CRASH:
- 821 fractures to the lower leg, ankle and foot
- 764 fractures to the arm, collarbone and hand
- 557 fractures to the pelvis or upper leg
However, these numbers may vary as they don’t take into account hospital admissions.
The graph below provides figures for some different natures of non-fatal injuries in the workplace, including fractures.
Broken Bone Care And Assistance Compensation
An injury could impact your ability to care for yourself or others. If this is the case for you, you could claim back the costs under special damages. For example:
- At-home care for yourself
- At-home care for someone dependent on you e.g. children or an elderly parent
- Home adaptations e.g. stairlift or wheelchair ramp
- Physical aids e.g. walking stick or wheelchair
Furthermore, if someone suffered an injury that left them with a permanent disability and there was no way for them to receive at-home care, you could claim compensation for the cost of a permanent stay in a care home.
However, you will need medical evidence to show that the injuries you sustained meant additional care was required.
For further details on the care costs you could claim and the evidence required to do so, contact our team on the number above.
Check How To Use A Broken Forearm Compensation Calculator
Our personal injury calculator will take you through a series of questions in order to provide an estimate of your claim value. The questions will help determine:
- Where your accident happened to assess whether you were owed a duty of care
- The type of injury you suffered
- The severity of the injury
Once you’ve provided this information, it will give you an estimated figure. Additionally, it does consider whether you’ve experienced any loss of earnings. However, it doesn’t take into account other financial losses you may have incurred.
The estimated figure the calculator provides and the actual settlement figure you may receive could differ. However, if you’re not satisfied with the first offer you receive, you can make a counteroffer instead of accepting.
Check What You Could Expect To Claim
General damages are calculated with the help of the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This is a document solicitors may use to value your claim.
However, as there are many factors to consider when valuing a claim, a solicitor may also look at additional evidence. For example, they might invite you to attend an additional medical assessment. This may provide a medical report that solicitors would use to value your claim alongside the JCG and other medical evidence.
Additionally, a solicitor may work out special damages separately as not every case will have any.
Broken Forearm Compensation Calculator
We want to help you understand how much compensation you could claim. For that reason, we’ve provided a compensation table listing the amounts you could claim for different arm injuries.
However, if your injury isn’t listed, you can use our personal injury calculator instead.
Injury Description Award
Arm Simple fracture of the forearm £6,190 to £18,020
Arm This award relates to injuries that result in permanent and substantial disablement e.g. serious fractures of one or both forearms. £36,770 to £56,180
Arm Less severe: This includes injuries to the arm that may have caused significant disabilities and required a substantial degree of recovery. £18,020 to £36,770
Shoulder Minor: (iii) Soft tissue injury to the shoulder that's resulted in considerable pain but an almost complete recovery has been made within three months. The award may also depend on other factors such as the severity of the injury and how much pain it causes. Up to £2,300
Shoulder Fractured clavicle: The award given will depend of how severe the fracture and symptoms are at the time and after the injury has healed. £4,830 to £11,490
Elbow Moderate or minor: This includes simple elbow fractures. Up to £11,820
Wrist A colle's fracture that's uncomplicated. In the region of £6,970
Wrist Minor: The award given may be for displaced or minimally displaced fractures and soft tissue injuries that may require a plaster or bandage. Additionally, a full recovery will be made within a year. £3,310 to £4,450
If you require any further information regarding compensation, please get in touch with our team who are on hand to answer any questions you may have.
No Win No Fee Claim Agreements For A Broken Forearm
If your accident has left you unable to work, then you may be facing financial strain. However, this shouldn’t prevent you from benefiting from legal representation.
For that reason, we have an option that may help. If our advisors feel your claim has a chance of success, they can connect you to a specialist solicitor from our panel of personal injury experts.
All of the solicitors we work with operate on a No Win No Fee basis. A term you may have heard before, it simply means that if your claim doesn’t end successfully, you won’t have to pay any of your lawyer’s fees.
Additionally, you’ll be able to avoid upfront costs and any fees that build up during the course of your claim.
If the claim is a success, you’ll pay your solicitor a small percentage of your compensation award. This percentage, capped by law, helps cover the costs of representing you.
For more information on how you can connect with a personal injury solicitor from our panel and start your claim, see below.
Contact Our Team For Legal Advice
Although we’ve tried to cover as much information as possible on making a personal injury claim, we understand if you still have questions.
If so, our advisors could help by providing expert advice 24/7.
For more information, you can reach us in the following ways:
- Telephone number – 0800 408 7826
- Live chat at the bottom of the page
- Send us an enquiry about arranging a callback
Ask If We Help Calculate Your Injury Claim
In addition to providing free legal advice, our advisors can help you use the compensation payout calculator to get an accurate estimate of your claim.
They can guide you through each question and help you calculate any additional damages.
For more information, get in touch on the details above so you can understand how you can start your claim to get the compensation you deserve.
What To Read Next?
Visit the government website if you need to report a case of child abuse.
See the government health and safety website for further details on workplace safety.
For more information on preventing accidents in public, see the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.
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FAQs On Broken Bone Injury Claims
Please see below where we’ve answered some questions commonly asked regarding compensation claims for a broken forearm.
What could my claim be worth?
It can depend on the severity of your injury as well as whether you have any additional damages you’re claiming for. However, you can use our calculator to get an idea.
Could I claim if I was not at fault?
You could claim if you suffered an injury at the hands of someone else’s negligence. However, you need to provide evidence that they breached their duty of care to you.
Could I claim if I’m partially at fault?
You may still be able to claim if your negligence contributed to the injuries you suffered in an accident. However, it may affect the compensation you could claim. For example, if you were a passenger in a car accident and didn’t wear a seatbelt, you may be awarded less compensation than someone who did wear a seatbelt.
How do I claim for my child?
If your child under the age of 18 was injured, you could act as a litigation friend to claim compensation on their behalf.
We hope you found our guide on how to use a broken forearm compensation calculator to work out an estimate of your claim value. Thank you for reading.
Guide by IMM
Edited by BER