Learn About Using An MIB Compensation Calculator

This guide will explain how a Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) compensation calculator can help determine how much compensation you might be owed when making a road traffic accident claim through the MIB. In the following sections, we’ll explore who the MIB are, when you could claim for them and how compensation could be calculated for personal injury claims for road traffic accidents.

Evidence is a vital way to support personal injury claims and so we detail what you could use for your case. Finally, the guide concludes by explaining how one of the personal injury solicitors on our panel could take up your case and help you claim compensation for the injuries sustained on a No Win No Fee basis.

You can connect with our dedicated team of advisors at any point for personalised and free advice on what your claim may be worth. Simply:

  • Call our advisors 24/7 on 0800 408 7826
  • Contact us and request a callback.
  • Or you can also ask the live chat portal a question for an immediate response.

Accident scene of two badly damaged cars.

 Select A Section 

  1. MIB Compensation Calculator
  2. What Is The Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB)?
  3. Can I Claim Compensation With The MIB?
  4. How Do I Claim For Whiplash Injuries?
  5. How To Make An MIB Claim
  6. What Evidence Could Help Me Claim For Road Traffic Accidents?
  7. Contact Us To See If You Can Make A No Win No Fee MIB Claim
  8. Learn More About Making Road Traffic Accident Claims

MIB Compensation Calculator

An MIB compensation calculator could help you understand how compensation is calculated for personal injury claims made through the MIB. It will ask you a series of questions about the type of accident you were involved in, the injuries suffered and whether any financial losses were experienced.

This figure presented to you will be made up of two heads of loss. The first is known as general damages and compensates for the suffering and pain created by the incident and subsequent injuries. This head of loss also takes into account the impact on quality of life, the length of expected recovery and the complexity of medical treatment needed.

A compensation calculator will often use the guideline brackets featured within the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to reach a figure for your general damages. This document lists compensation guidelines for a variety of injuries. In addition to using our compensation calculator, you can refer to the table we have created below that features some of the JCG’s figures.

Please note, however, that the entry featured at the top does not come from the JCG. Additionally, the bottom two entries featured in this table come from the tariff within the Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021. We explain what this is and how it may affect your claim in more depth in a later section.

Compensation Guidelines

Area of InjurySeverityNotesAward Guidelines
Multiple Severe Injuries and Special Damage Payments.Severe Awards like this reflect multiple severe injuries and amounts under special damages for loss of earnings, extensive care costs and medical procedures,Up to £1 million plus.
Head(a) Very Severe Cases that leave the person with little (if any) environmental awareness and require permanent, full-time specialised care.£344,150 to £493,000
Head(d) Less Severe There will be problems with concentration, mood and memory, but the person will have made a good recovery and can return to work. £18,700 to £52,550
Neck(a) Severe (i) Cases of incomplete paraplegia and spastic quadriparesis that leave the person with no neck movement despite wearing a corrective collar 24 hours a day.In region of £181,020
Arm(a) SevereThese injuries will have fallen short of needing amputation but will be extremely serious.£117,36 to £159,770
Leg(b) Severe (ii) Very SeriousInjuries that cause a permanent level of immobility and necessitate the use of walking aids for the remainder of the person's life.£66,920 to £109,290
Back(a) Severe (iii)Disc lesions, fractures and damage to soft vertebral bodies that cause chronic discomfort, pain and impaired agility, despite treatment.£47,320 to £85,100
Back(b) Moderate (ii) Disturbance to muscles and ligaments that in addition to causing backache.£15,260 to £33,880
Whiplash1+ whiplash and psychological injuriesLasting between 18 to 24 months.£4,345
Whiplash1+ whiplash injuriesLasting between 18 to 24 months.£4,215

Can I Claim For Loss of Earnings Through The MIB?

Yes, you could claim for a loss of earnings when making a compensation claim through the MIB. These losses would be compensated under the secondary head of your claim known as special damages. These reimburse the claimant for the financial losses they suffered because of the accident and injury.

To have a claim for special damages, it is essential that you present documented proof of the financial loss. This can include any receipts, wage slips and invoices that point to a loss in earnings or other financial outgoings directly caused by your situation, such as:

  • Domestic care costs.
  • Travel expenses to appointments.
  • Adaptations made to your home or vehicle.
  • Medical bills.

Continue reading this guide to see whether you may be eligible to make a claim through the MIB. You can also contact our advisors today to discuss your case.

Injured man leaning against car with multiple and severe injuries that are bleeding.

What Is The Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB)?

Now that we have discussed how an MIB compensation calculator may be able to help, you could also be wondering, ‘Who are the MIB?’. The MIB is an organisation that was founded in 1946 and can pay compensation to the victims of accidents caused by uninsured and untraced drivers.

The MIB also aim to reduce the impact and level of uninsured driving in the UK and work alongside the police and the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency to work towards this goal.

To see whether you may be able to claim through the MIB for your road traffic accident, you can continue reading this guide or contact our advisors to discuss your case.

Can I Claim Compensation With The MIB?

Each and every road user has a duty of care to each other to minimise the risk of damage and harm whilst using the roads. To fully comply with their duty of care, they need to follow the Road Traffic Act 1988  as well as additional rules in the Highway Code.

Part of these laws require all road users to have valid insurance, keep within speed limits, and not operate their vehicles whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Failure to comply with these rules puts the motorist in immediate breach of their duty of care.

To be able to make a compensation claim through the MIB you will need to prove:

  1. You were owed a duty of care by another road user.
  2. They breached this duty and were uninsured or untraceable (e.g. you were involved in a hit-and-run accident with them).
  3. The injuries you suffered were caused by this breached duty.

Contact our advisors today to discuss your case and see whether you may have a valid personal injury claim.

How Do I Claim For Whiplash Injuries?

Whiplash is a commonly encountered injury in road traffic accidents. It is typically caused by the sudden movement of the neck.

If you have suffered a whiplash injury in a road traffic accident, the way you make your claim may have changed if:

  • You are 18 or over.
  • The accident took place in Wales or England.
  • You were the passenger or driver of a vehicle.
  • Your whiplash injuries are valued at £5,000 or less.

This is due to the Whiplash Reform Programme (WRP). Additionally, the injuries you suffered will be valued in line with the tariff set out within the Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021. These are fixed amounts.

Any additional injuries not covered by this tariff are valued traditionally. Furthermore, if these additional injuries bring the overall value of your claim above £5,000 your claim will be made the traditional route.

Contact our advisors today to see whether the WRP may affect how you make your claim.

Woman in a neck brace for whiplash after a road traffic accident.

How To Make An MIB Claim

After using our MIB compensation calculator, you may wonder about the claims process. It may seem intimidating, but an experienced and competent solicitor will help to simplify the process of making an MIB claim.

Here are the steps which you have to take:

  • Try to obtain the driver’s details, such as their name and contact information.
  • Make an attempt to record the car details such as colour, model and license plate number.
  • Seek medical attention on an immediate basis to ensure that your injuries don’t worsen. This will also serve as evidence of your injuries and the driver’s liability in your claim.
  • Gather relevant evidence like CCTV or dashcam footage, eyewitness details, etc., to establish the driver’s liability for your injuries.
  • Report the accident to the police within 24 hours if they aren’t present during the accident or in case of a hit and run incident.
  • Try your best to document the car accident in written form with as many details as possible and as accurately as you can remember.

The above steps, especially documenting and detailing the accident, will help if the driver is untraceable or refusing liability. Contact our advisors now for further guidance in making a claim and for more MIB payout examples.

What Evidence Could Help Me Claim For Road Traffic Accidents?

Evidence is an important way of proving that the other motorist who injured you was at fault. With this in mind, you need to collect as much proof as possible that they were in breach of their duty of care and the injuries that you have suffered. Examples could include:

  • CCTV or dashcam footage that captured the accident.
  • Speak to any eyewitnesses at the accident scene and see if they will give their contact details. If you decide to work with a solicitor, they can approach these people for a statement at a later date.
  • Take photos of your injuries and the damage to your vehicle.
  • Obtain copies of your medical notes and records, GP notes and A&E admission records that detail your injuries.
  • Note down the registration number of the other vehicle, (if you remember or saw what this was if they hit and run).
  • A police reference number if they were called to the scene of the accident.

Contact our advisors today to find out what other evidence may be able to help support your claim.

Contact Us To See If You Can Make A No Win No Fee MIB Claim

Assembling evidence after a personal injury is not something you have to face alone. A personal injury solicitor from our panel can offer expert step by step advice on the claims process. They can collect witness statements and arrange for an independent medical assessment to provide vital evidence of the harm you suffered.

Furthermore, the solicitors on our panel can take up eligible claims under a version of a No Win No Fee agreement. By providing their services to you under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), you won’t have to pay any fees for these services upfront or while the case is ongoing.

Additionally, under a CFA, there are no solicitors fees owed for completed work if the claim is unsuccessful. A small and legally restricted percentage will be taken from your compensation, known as a success fee, if the claim settles in your favour. Because this percentage is capped, this arrangement ensures that the majority of the compensation awarded goes directly to you.

To see if one of the No Win No Fee solicitors on our panel could help you, or to ask any questions you may have about using an MIB compensation calculator, you can contact our advisors:

  • Call on 0800 408 7826.
  • Alternatively, you can contact us online and request a callback.
  • Or you can also ask the live chat portal a question for an immediate response.

A calculator that reads 'compensation' on its screen to represent an MIB compensation calculator.

Learn More About Making Road Traffic Accident Claims

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