Food Poisoning Claim Calculator – How Much Compensation Could You Receive?

By Cat Hallow. Last Updated 28th February 2025. This guide will explain how a food poisoning claim calculator works and how you can use it to estimate the value of your claim. Food poisoning can cause both physical and psychological injuries. We will discuss some of the circumstances in which it could occur due to negligence, as well as the eligibility criteria for making a claim.

You must provide evidence of third-party negligence in order to seek a settlement for food poisoning. We will discuss what this can entail and how you can strengthen your claim.

No Win No Fee lawyers can assist you in claiming compensation for food poisoning. To learn more about what No Win No Fee means, continue reading our guide.

For further questions about using our food poisoning claim calculator, contact us today. Our advisors are available 24/7to help you with any legal concerns.

a man holds his stomach in pain.

Choose A Section

  1. How Can A Food Poisoning Claim Calculator Help Me?
  2. Food Poisoning Claim Calculator
  3. What Is Food Poisoning?
  4. Examples Of Food Poisoning
  5. Potential Impact Of Food Poisoning
  6. Connect With No Win No Fee Lawyers For Food Poisoning Claims
  7. Learn More About Using Our Food Poisoning Claim Calculator

How Can A Food Poisoning Claim Calculator Help Me?

Using a food poisoning claim calculator can help you estimate what your claim may be worth. However, you would need to make sure that you begin your claim within the appropriate time limit.

This is generally three years from the date of the incident, and this can run from the date of the incident or the date that you connected your condition with negligence. The time limit for personal injury claims is set out in the Limitation Act 1980.

If you have experienced food poisoning due to third-party negligence, it is important that you gather evidence. This will strengthen your case and could increase your chances of making a successful claim. Examples of relevant evidence can include:

  • Photographs of the product that made you ill
  • Medical reports showing the treatment you received
  • Witness contact details, for example if you ate at a restaurant and multiple people who ate the same dish also fell ill, then they could provide a statement supporting this. 

Call us today if you’d like further guidance on the evidence you need to supply to make a claim. Our advisors can help you use our food poisoning claim calculator to strengthen your case. Alternatively, if you would prefer, they can value your claim for you. 

Food Poisoning Claim Calculator

A food poisoning claim calculator must consider two heads of claim. The first part is general damages. These compensate you for the pain and suffering that has arisen due to your injury. 

Sometimes, legal professionals consult the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to assess general damages. These match compensation guidelines to varied types and severities of injury. We have provided some of these figures in the table below.

It is important to note that there is no guarantee of the compensation that you may receive. There are many different factors to consider when calculating your food poisoning compensation

In fact, our recommended course of action to gain a better compensation estimate is to contact our advisors. They can delve further into the details of your claim and evaluate your compensation accordingly. This is offered as a free case assessment, and there is no obligation to use our services afterwards. Therefore, you have nothing to lose by enquiring about your food injury claim.  

Additionally, you could claim compensation to recover the financial losses you have incurred due to your food poisoning injury. This is referred to as special damages. Examples include compensation for costs relating to:

  • Medical treatment (including private surgery)
  • Travelling for medical appointments
  • Time taken off work, resulting in lost income
  • Adjustments made to your vehicle/home (such as a handrail)
  • Mobility aids (such as a wheelchair)

Compensation Table

The first figure we have included in the table below was not taken from the JCG. This table is only intended for illustrative purposes as such, please only use it as a guide. 

Multiple severe forms of harm well as significant financial losses. Up to £500,000+Compensation for suffering multiple severe forms of harm as well as financial losses such as lost earnings.
Bowel Injury (a)Up to £224,790Claimant suffers double incontinence with further medical issues
Bowel Injury (b)Up to £183,190Total loss of the natural bowel function with a potential dependence on a colostomy.
Bowel Injury (c)In the region of £97,530Passive incontinence with faecal urgency.
Bowel Injury (d)£54,420 £85,100Reduced bowel function often requiring a temporary colostomy bag
Bowel Injury (e)£15,370 to £29,870Some permanent damage but natural function is recovered
Digestive System - Damage From Non-Traumatic Injury ii)£11,640 to £23,430Serious but short lived food poisoning causing vomiting and diarrhoea.
Digestive System - Damage From Non-Traumatic Injury iii)£4,820 to £11,640An allergic reaction or food poisoning causing significant discomfort.
Digestive System - Damage From Non-Traumatic Injury iv)£1,110 to £4,820Varying degrees of disabling pain and cramps.

What Is Food Poisoning?

Food poisoning occurs when you eat something that is contaminated with germs. Symptoms can include sickness, stomach cramps and a high temperature.

Most cases of food poisoning are minor, and recovery can take place within a few days. If symptoms persist, it is advised that you seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Food poisoning can occur when:

  • Food is cooked or reheated incorrectly
  • Ingredients are past their use-by date
  • Someone has handled the food without washing their hands
  • Food has been left out too long at room temperature
  • It’s been stored incorrectly

If third-party negligence led to you suffering from food poisoning, you might be eligible to make a personal injury claim. Continue reading to learn how you can use our food poisoning claim calculator to assess damages.

Examples Of Food Poisoning

There are multiple environments in which you’re owerd a duty of care. You may be able to claim compensation if a third party’s negligence results in you becoming unwell.

In the workplace, your employer must ensure that they abide by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. This states that your employer owes you a duty of care to keep you safe. For instance, training you on how to use equipment correctly and providing you with personal protective equipment (PPE) where necessary. If their negligence causes an accident that leads to you sustaining a work injury or illness, you could claim compensation.

Similarly to the above, the relevant third party in charge of a public place owes you a duty of care while you are on their property. This could be the owner of a supermarket or the local council. These rules are listed in the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. If a bakery counter at a supermarket doesn’t adhere to health and safety standards, the food you purchase may be contaminated. 

The Food Safety Act 1990 explains the safety requirements for food sold for consumption. This details that all businesses that handle food sold to the public must adhere to the legislation in order to keep people safe.

Under this legislation, a food business must not cause food to be dangerous to health, which could occur if they fail to adhere to safety standards. You may have grounds for a food poisoning payout if you’ve been injured as a result of negligence. 

Food Poisoning Statistics

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) publishes statistics highlighting cases of foodborne illnesses in the UK. They are a non-ministerial department that is supported by 7 agencies and public bodies. 

380,000 cases of food illness are estimated to be linked to the norovirus every year. In 2022, a revised estimate and analysis showed that around 2.4 million cases of foodborne illnesses are present in the UK each year.

For guidance on working out what your personal injury claim is worth, contact our advisors. We can explain how to use our food poisoning claim calculator alongside offering expert legal advice.

Potential Impact Of Food Poisoning

Most issues of food poisoning won’t last longer than a week. However, severe food poisoning could leave you with multiple injuries, including physical and psychological ones.

For example, you may be suffering from chronic irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and food poisoning can exacerbate your injuries. Extreme cases may lead to you needing to use a colostomy bag, causing major changes to your livelihood. 

Food poisoning can also cause psychological injuries due to the negative effects on your life. For instance, you may find yourself living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to the side effects you endured after a severe bout of food poisoning left you hospitalised. You may need to take time off work to recover from your injuries, resulting in a financial impact.

Our advisors are available at any time that suits you to offer you support. We can help you understand how our food poisoning claim calculator works and connect you with a lawyer who can assist you in seeking a settlement.

Connect With No Win No Fee Lawyers For Food Poisoning Claims

Now that you’ve learned how a food poisoning claim calculator can help you get a broad idea of how much compensation for food poisoning you could receive, let’s talk about the benefits of working with an expert solicitor on your claim.

There is no obligation to make a food poisoning claim with a lawyer or solicitor. However, we always recommend seeking expert legal advice before pursuing your case. This is because the food poisoning compensation claims process can often seem complex, and you may not know where to start.

But, when you instruct an expert personal injury solicitor like the ones on our panel, they can help you:

  • Negotiate your settlement.
  • Understand each step of the claims process.
  • Gather evidence.
  • Decode legal jargon.
  • Communicate with the defendant.

Plus, the solicitors on our specialist panel work under the terms of a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This means that they work on a No Win No Fee basis, and won’t take an upfront or ongoing fee in order for you to access their services. Likewise, if your claim fails, then you won’t pay a fee for their work at all.

However, if your food poisoning claim succeeds, then your solicitor will take a success fee. This fee is deducted from your compensation as a small percentage that is limited by law with a legal cap.

Contact Us

Our advisors are here to help. When you get in touch, they can offer you a free, no-strings consultation, during which they’ll answer your questions and tell you whether or not you could be entitled to compensation.

If you’re ready to get started, contact us today by:

Learn More About Using Our Food Poisoning Claim Calculator

You can use the links below for more research:

  • The NHS provides information on first aid.
  • If you’ve needed to take time off work due to your injuries, read about whether you could be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).
  • FSA guidance on norovirus.

We’ve also attached more of our guides here:

Thank you for reading our food poisoning claim calculator guide. If you have any questions, please get in touch. 

Writer Jess Aisling 

Publisher Fern Scott