Elbow Injury Claim Calculator – How Much Compensation Could I Recieve?

An elbow injury can make it difficult for you to conduct your daily activities or enjoy your hobbies. You may be eligible to claim compensation if you’ve suffered an elbow injury because of somebody else’s fault. Read our guide to learn about using an elbow injury claim calculator and to learn how to make a broken elbow claim.

Browse Our Guide

  1. Elbow Injury Claim Calculator
  2. Am I Eligible To Make An Injury Claim?
  3. Common Types Of Injuries You Can Claim For
  4. Causes Of Elbow Injuries You Can Claim For
  5. How To Start Your Compensation Claim
  6. How Our Panel Of Solicitors Can Help You
  7. More Information

For more information on personal injury claims, speak to us now:

A person with bandaged arm, who will use an elbow injury claim calculator.

Elbow Injury Claim Calculator

Our elbow injury compensation calculator is a simple tool for calculating your compensation. It is user-friendly, and you just need to enter the details of your accident and the extent of your injury.

While our calculator gives an educated estimate based on previous claims, many factors affect the compensation amount. Therefore, it’s better to speak to our advisors for a more accurate figure.


If your elbow injury claim is successful, your compensation may be formed of 2 heads:

  • General Damages: This head compensates you for your physical and psychological injuries.
  • Special Damages: This head may be included to compensate you for any financial losses due to your injuries.


Your elbow injury solicitor (or whoever is valuing your claim) will use the Judicial College guidelines (JCG) to calculate general damages. We’ve summarised some of the JCG figures for elbow injuries in the table below. Please bear in mind that this table is only meant to be used for guidance, and the first row isn’t from the JCG.


InjuryNotesCompensation Guidelines
Multiple Severe Injuries and Special DamagesThere could be a combination of injuries and monetary losses due to constant professional care and loss of wages.Up to £250,000+
Arm- Severe InjuryThese injuries barely fall short of amputation and the person is in a condition only slightly better off than if they had lost their arm. £117,360 to £159,770
Arm- Injuries A Disablement That Is Substantial and PermanentThere is a serious fracture to at least one of the forearms and there is significant permenanent or cosmetic disability remaining.£47,810 to £73,050
Arm- Less Severe InjuryA substantial recovery has taken place or is expected, substantial disabilities remain.£23,430 to £47,810
Arm Amputation- Loss of One Arm (iii)This is an amputation below the elbow. The top end of the compensation range will be considered for a case of forearm amputation remaining phantom and organic pains.£117,360 to £133,810
Elbow-Severely Disabling InjuryThe injury causes severe disability.£47,810 to £66,920
Elbow -Less Severe InjuriesThere is impaired function but not much disability or major surgery.£19,100 to £39,070
Elbow- Moderate or Minor Injury (i)Usually, there is a full recovery after a year.In the region of £4,310
Elbow - Moderate or Minor Injury (ii)Major symptoms are resolved usually within 18 to 24 months but some nuisance still persists. In such a case, the award would be in the region of £7,930 and for a full recovery, in the region of £6,700.
Elbow- Moderate or Minor Injury (iii)There is a recovery after 3 years with some symptoms of nuisance remaining. If the person needs surgery, the upper end of the bracket will be considered.Up to £15,370

Factors Affecting Compensation Amounts

There are many factors which could affect your compensation amount, such as:

  • Strength of evidence
  • The severity of your injuries
  • Negotiations
  • The presence of any pre-existing conditions

Special Damages – What You Need To Know

You may be able to claim for the following special damages or monetary losses:

  • Medical expenses
  • Loss of earnings (both in the present and future)
  • Professional care
  • Disability or injury equipment.
  • Travel costs.

You can prove the above by using evidence like bank statements, salary slips and invoices.

Use Our Elbow Injury Claim Calculator

You could use our elbow injury compensation calculator or speak to our advisors for further guidance.

An elbow injury claim calculator.

Am I Eligible To Make An Injury Claim?

Before using an elbow injury claim calculator, the most important step is to determine whether you have an eligible claim. There are some situations where another person is supposed to ensure your well-being. This is known as the duty of care.

The elements of an eligible elbow injury claim are:

  • Somebody had a duty of care towards you.
  • They breached this duty.
  • Due to this breach, you suffered an elbow injury.

Speak to us now for a free case assessment to see if you have an eligible claim.

Common Types Of Injuries You Can Claim For

Some common injuries which often form the basis for elbow injury claims include:

Contact our advisors to discuss your particular case today.

Causes Of Elbow Injuries You Can Claim For

Elbow injuries can occur for a variety of reasons. If you use an elbow injury claim calculator, you’ll be asked the situation where you injured your elbow. 

Here are the common circumstances where you may incur such an injury due to a breach of duty by a third party:

  • Accident at Work: All employers must take reasonable measures to ensure their employees’ safety. They have to follow the rules given under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. If your employer breaches their duty and you suffer an injury as a consequence, you could possibly make an accident at work claim.

For Example: You trip over some cable wires that haven’t been cleared up at your workplace and sprain your elbow. There may be an elbow injury compensation claim against your employer.

For Example: A rear-end collision causes you to bump against the steering wheel and break your elbow. You may have a broken elbow claim against the other driver.

  • Public Place Accident: The Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 holds the occupier or the person controlling the public place responsible for the safety of all visitors. A breach of this duty and a resulting injury may cause a public liability claim against the occupier.

For Example: If you slip on a wet floor having no warning sign and suffer a soft tissue injury in your elbow, you can make an elbow injury claim against the occupier.

Unsure about the duty of care now? Speak to our friendly team of advisors now.

How To Start Your Compensation Claim

After explaining the utility of our elbow injury claim calculator and discussing common injuries, we’ll discuss the process of making a claim.

Evidence Needed For An Elbow Injury Claim

Gathering evidence is an essential step to support your claim. Here are some examples of evidence which could help:

  • Medical records
  • Dashcam or CCTV footage
  • Photographs of the accident or your injuries.
  • Contact information of eyewitnesses for witness statements

Time Limits For Filing Your Claim

Under the Limitation Act 1980, you have 3 years to start your elbow injury claim. This time period usually begins on the date you suffered the injury. 

There are exceptions to the time limit:

  • Diminished Mental Capacity: If the injured person does not possess the mental capacity to make a claim, the time limit is frozen. However, if they regain this capacity, they’ll have three years to start their claim.
  • Minors: A minor, somebody under the age of 18, cannot make a claim for themselves. Therefore, the time limit is frozen until they reach adulthood.

In both cases where the time limit is frozen, a loved one or any trusted person can apply to become a litigation friend and make a claim on their behalf.

How Long Do Elbow Injury Claims Take To Settle?

Every injury claim is unique, and so is the time it takes to conclude each claim. Therefore, there is no fixed answer to this question. However, there are certain factors which may affect the time it takes for your claim:

  • Claim complexity
  • Nature of your injuries
  • Whether the party accepts or denies responsibility for your injuries
  • Negotiations
  • Evidence

Could I Make An Elbow Injury Claim On A No Win No Fee Basis?

The solicitors on our panel offer No Win No Fee services in the form of a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). Therefore, you won’t have to pay any upfront fees to the solicitor for their services in the beginning or while the claim is in progress. You also won’t have to pay for their services if you lose your case. 

If your claim succeeds, your solicitor will charge only a success fee. This is a legally-limited deduction from your compensation, and the percentage is usually pre-determined.

How Our Panel Of Solicitors Can Help You

After using our elbow injury claim calculator, you may want to know more about the services we offer. The solicitors on our panel have years of experience, and they are competent in dealing with elbow injury claims. 

If you work with us, the solicitors on our panel can help you in the following ways: 

  • Simplifying legal jargon.
  • Collecting evidence
  • Valuing your claim
  • Keeping you updated about your case.
  • Responding to all official communications.

Get in touch with our panel of  No Win No Fee solicitors now:

A solicitor who will help the client in using the elbow injury claim calculator.

More Information

Thank you for reading our article on using an elbow injury claim calculator. Here are some more of our guides:

You can also read these external links for more information: