Fractured And Broken Bone Compensation Calculator

Last updated 28th March 2025. Were you in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence? If so and you suffered an injury as a result, you may have grounds to claim. Our guide will provide information on using a broken bone compensation calculator to work out your compensation.

An X-ray image of a broken ankle.

We understand this may be a difficult time for you. It’s never easy when you’re involved in an accident that isn’t your fault, and it may have caused a lot of stress for you. However, making a claim could help you get the compensation you deserve for your pain and suffering. 

You might be feeling a little apprehensive about whether you’re eligible to claim. However, this guide aims to clear up any confusion. No matter whether you suffered a fractured finger or a fractured hip, if someone else who owed you a duty of care caused the accident, you could claim. 

Calculate Compensation For A Broken Or Fractured Bone

Our guide aims to give you detailed information on making a personal injury claim. However, if you need anything else after reading, our advisors can provide free legal advice. 

For more information, call our advisors on 0800 408 7826. Alternatively, continue reading to find out what types of damages you could claim for. 

Jump To A Section

  1. Fractured And Broken Bone Compensation Calculator
  2. A Guide To Using A Fractured And Broken Bone Compensation Calculator
  3. What Is A Broken Bone?
  4. Common Types And Causes Of Broken Bone Injuries
  5. Evidence To Support A Broken Bone Claim
  6. No Win No Fee Fractured And Broken Bone Compensation Claim Agreements
  7. Get Free Advice About Your Claim
  8. Ask Our Team To Calculate Your Fractured Or Broken Bone Injury Compensation
  9. Case Studies And Resources

Fractured And Broken Bone Compensation Calculator

Instead of using a broken bone compensation calculator, we can tell you how fractured bone compensation amounts are calculated.

When a claim is successful, compensation can potentially be divided into two heads of claim – general and special damages. 

General damages covers compensation for the way you have been physically and psychologically affected by negligence. This head of claim is awarded in all successful personal injury claims and considers the following factors:

  • Loss of amenity. 
  • Pain severity.
  • The estimated length of recovery. 

Legal professionals may invite you to have an independent medical assessment. They can use the reports from this assessment with the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to help them calculate your general damages. 

The JCG is a publication that contains guideline compensation brackets for varying injuries and illnesses.

Guideline Compensation Table

In the table below, we have taken some broken bone injuries from the JCG with their accompanying guideline compensation brackets.

Please only use this table as a guide, because all claims are unique in circumstance. Also, the top figure is not from the JCG.

InjuryDescriptionAward Guideline
Multiple serious injuries with special damagesCompensation for suffering more than one serious injury with financial losses such as loss of earnings.Up to £250,000+
Arm(b) Injuries resulting in permanent and substantial disablement including serious fractures of one or both forearms where there is significant permanent residual disability whether functional or cosmetic.£47,810 to £73,050
(d) Simple fractures of the forearm£8,060 to £23,430
BackModerate (i) Injuries such as damage to a spinal disc with nerve root irritation and reduced mobility.£33,880 to £47,320
Skeletal(a) Le Fort Fractures of Frontal Facial Bones£29,060 to £44,840
(b) Multiple fractures of facial bones, involving some facial deformity of a permanent nature.£18,180 to £29,220
Hand (f) Severe fractures to fingersUp to £44,840
Shoulder (b) Serious: Shoulder dislocation and injury to the lower brachial plexus that causes shoulder and neck pain. £15,580 to £23,430
Wrist(e) An uncomplicated Colles' fracture.In the region of £9,070

Special Damages

Special damages covers compensation for the way you have been financially affected by negligence. This head of claim is only sometimes awarded in successful personal injury claims and can reimburse costs such as:

  • Prescription costs. 
  • Loss of earnings for the past and future if you need to take time off work to recover, or you can no longer work due to your injuries.
  • Care costs if someone cared for you while you recovered. 
  • Home adaptations if you suffered a disability that required them.
  • Physical aids if your injury necessitates them.

Since special damages are not guaranteed to be awarded, please provide any proof you have in the form of payslips, receipts, invoices, and bank statements.

To learn more about how broken bone compensation amounts are calculated, please contact us today.

A Guide To Using A Fractured And Broken Bone Compensation Calculator

To be eligible to make a fractured or broken bone claim, you must have suffered negligence. Negligence is when you are injured due to a breached duty of care. 

There are multiple locations where you are owed a duty of care:

  • At work. All employers owe their employees a duty of care under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. This means that employers must take reasonable steps, such as providing adequate training, to ensure that their employees are safe when working. 
  • In public places. All occupiers of a public place (parties in control) owe a duty of care to all members of the public who lawfully visit their space under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. This means that occupiers must take steps, such as responding to reports of hazards as soon as possible, to ensure that the public are reasonably safe when on their premises. 
  • On roads. All road users owe one another a duty of care when on the road. This means that they must follow the rules in the Road Traffic Act 1988 and The Highway Code, such as sticking to speed limits, to ensure that themselves and one another are kept safe. 

As such, here are the personal injury claims eligibility criteria:

  • A road user, employer, or occupier owed you a duty of care. 
  • This duty of care was breached by negligent actions/inactions. 
  • You were injured as a result of this breach. 

To find out whether you have an eligible claim, and to learn more about our fractured bone compensation calculator, please contact us today.

What Is A Broken Bone?

A broken bone occurs when a strong enough force causes it to fracture.

There are many broken bone injuries you could suffer in an accident. Whether in the workplace, a road traffic accident or a public place.

Some examples of bones you could break include a fractured:

  • Shoulder, which could damage the scapula and collarbone
  • Back, which could cause damage to the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal vertebrae 
  • Hand, which could include damage to other bones in the hand such as the metacarpal, scaphoid and phalanges 

What are 4 common symptoms of a broken bone?

The symptoms of a broken bone can vary depending on the severity and the particular bone that gets damaged. However, some common symptoms might include pain, swelling and deformity of the affected area. 

Additionally, for more severe breaks or fractures, you might experience cuts or a broken bone piercing through the skin.  

If you require any further medical information, visit the NHS website or seek advice from a medical professional.

Common Types And Causes Of Broken Bone Injuries

Although there are many types of broken bone injuries and various causes, we’ll be looking at some common ones below. For example, we’ll look at broken bones caused by slips, trips and falls and road traffic accidents. 

Some of the information on specific broken bones comes directly from the NHS website. If you require any medical advice, visit the NHS or seek help from a qualified medical professional. 

However, if you’d like to know more about a broken bone calculator, why not reach out to our advisors?

Broken Bones Caused By Trips And Falls

Slips, trips and falls in any setting could result in a broken bone such as a fractured wrist or a fractured pelvis.

Some examples of how you might suffer this type of injury could include:

  • Breaking your leg by slipping on a spill in a supermarket
  • Sustaining a fractured skull by tripping on an uneven paving stone on the street
  • Tripping over misplaced equipment in work and breaking your arm
  • Falling down a staircase that has a broken handrail and sustaining damage to your spinal cord

Broken Bones Caused By Road Traffic Accidents

Road traffic accidents that cause fractures can include:

  • A driver hitting you from behind causing your knees to shatter from the impact of hitting against the interior of the car  
  • A cyclist being knocked off their bike and suffering a fractured forearm 

Fractured Skull Injuries

A fractured skull could cause damage to the frontal, temporal and occipital bones in the head. If you suffer a severe head injury such as a fractured skull, the NHS advises that you may suffer any of the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty speaking or staying awake
  • Vomiting repeatedly 
  • Memory loss
  • Fits or seizures

Head injuries could be caused by:

  • The airbag not going off in a car accident
  • A passenger being thrown through the windshield in a car accident
  • Not being provided with a necessary hardhat on a building site by your employer

Broken Collarbone Injuries

Various accidents could result in a broken collarbone. For instance, you could be hit by a speeding car when riding on a motorcycle or fall down the stairs in a restaurant due to poor lighting. Additionally, you may have been trapped under faulty machinery at work. 

If your accident caused you to suffer a broken collarbone injury, you may have experienced the following symptoms:

  • Swelling or tenderness around the affected area
  • Bruising
  • Numbness to the affected area

Broken Arm Injuries

A broken arm injury can be debilitating and can cause some unpleasant symptoms. The NHS recommends seeking advice if you have any of the following symptoms: 

  • A lot of swelling or bruising
  • Unable to use your arm or wrist due to the pain
  • Its extremely painful

Arm injuries can be caused through several accidents, such as:

  • Falling down the stairs at work
  • Not being trained to use specialist equipment and suffering a fracture as a result of an accident with it

Broken Leg Injuries

A common search on a broken bone calculator would be broken leg injuries. There are three major bones in the leg, the femur, tibia and fibula. If you break any of these bones, you may experience some unpleasant symptoms such as swelling, pain and bruising.

Although there are many ways you could suffer a broken leg, some common causes might include a fall or a road traffic accident as any type of road user.  For instance:

  • Being hit by a car when crossing the road as a pedestrian
  • Falling from a faulty ladder as an employee 

Broken Rib Injuries

Several accidents can cause a broken rib. Perhaps you were hit by a vehicle at work due to another employee not being trained properly. Or you might have fallen down a defective maintenance hole in the street that wasn’t properly marked.

No matter how the injury was caused, the symptoms of a broken rib may be unpleasant. For example, you may have heard a crack at the time of the accident. Additionally, you may have experienced the following:

  • Strong pain in the chest
  • Swelling 
  • Bruising

Evidence To Support A Broken Bone Claim

In addition to using our broken bone compensation calculator, you must start collecting evidence as soon as possible to support your case. Here are some examples of the evidence which could help:

  • CCTV or dashcam video footage, if applicable.
  • Photographs of the accident site.
  • Medical records such as X-rays, GP notes, prescriptions or correspondence with the doctor.
  • Evidence of psychological injuries, such as therapist’s notes, if applicable.
  • Police report details, if applicable.
  • Contact information of eyewitnesses for witness statements.
  • Personal written records of the accident, like diary entries.
  • Details from the report made in the accident book, if relevant.
  • Employment records to demonstrate inability to work.
  • Financial records such as bank statements and payslips to show special damages, like loss of earnings.

Compiling evidence to seek broken bone payouts may seem daunting, but it is an important step to strengthen your claim. The nature of the evidence should be such that it demonstrates the liability of the other party for your fractures or broken bones. An experienced solicitor can help you to gather evidence by contacting the relevant authorities. It is a time-consuming process, but it is worth the time to strengthen your case, and with an expert, you need not worry. Contact our advisors now for more information on the claims process.

No Win No Fee Fractured And Broken Bone Compensation Claim Agreements

If you’re concerned about the cost of legal representation, you could have a solicitor represent you on a No Win No Fee basis, specifically under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This essentially means that you won’t pay solicitor fees if your solicitor doesn’t win the case. 

Alternatively, if they are successful, you’ll pay a success fee. However, this is legally capped and is made known to you before the claim starts. 

Most importantly, you’ll be able to avoid any upfront solicitor fees and any ongoing solicitor fees. For more information, see below for our contact details so an advisor can connect you with a solicitor from our panel to perhaps start your claim today. 

Get Free Advice About Your Claim

We understand how overwhelming everything might seem at the moment. However, our advisors are here to help by providing free legal advice. They can respond to your enquiries any time of day, seven days a week. 

No matter what you need, whether it’s answers to your questions or whether you’re ready to start your claim, please get in touch with us by:

  • Calling on 0800 408 7826
  • Chatting with us on live chat at the bottom of the page
  • Contact us for a callback whenever is best for you 

Ask Our Team To Calculate Your Fractured Or Broken Bone Injury Compensation

Although we’ve tried to ensure our compensation payout calculator is easy for you to use, we understand if you have questions. 

For that reason, you can contact our advisors and they can talk you through each step. Additionally, they can advise on what other damages could be included in your claim value. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact us so you can start your claim and get the compensation you deserve. 

Case Studies And Resources

For any medical advice, visit the NHS website

If you’re interested in accident prevention, see the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.

For further information on accidents at work, see the Health and Safety Executive site.

If you require more information on making a personal injury claim, our guide could help. 

Did you break your back in an accident that someone else caused? If so, our case study guide on claiming for a broken back may help you understand how much compensation you could claim. 

Thank you for reading our guide on using a broken bone compensation calculator to work out the compensation you could claim. We hope you found it useful. 

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