By Danielle Griffiths. Last Updated 14th October 2022. Welcome to our guide looking at how to use our rape victim compensation calculator. If you’re a rape victim, you may think that you are not entitled to compensation. However, this isn’t the case.

There are two channels that you can take to claim compensation. Firstly, you can claim directly against the perpetrator.
However, if they have not been identified or if they don’t have the funds to pay you compensation, then you could make your claim through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority.
How Much Compensation Could Rape Victims Be Awarded?
This guide will explain the circumstances where you may be able to claim as a victim of rape. We’ll also provide examples of injuries and instances of sexual abuse and assault to give you a better understanding of what could justify your claim. In addition to this, we will highlight how a compensation payout calculator could help you answer the question of “how much compensation for a rape victim?”
If you would like free legal advice, you can call our advisors 24/7 at a time that works for you. You can call them using 0800 408 7826. They could also assess your eligibility to make a personal injury claim.
Our knowledgeable panel of No Win No Fee solicitors could help you receive thousands of pounds of compensation. To find out more about how our rape compensation calculator works, please read on.
Jump To A Section
- A Guide To Using A Rape Victim Compensation Calculator
- What Is Rape?
- What Things Could You Claim For After Sexual Offences?
- About Rape And Sexual Offences
- Rape And Sexual Violence Statistics
- Claiming The Costs Of Physical And Emotional Care After Sex-Based Crimes
- How Do You Use A Rape Victim Compensation Calculator?
- How Much Compensation Could Rape Victims Expect To Get?
- Rape Victim Compensation Calculator
- No Win No Fee Rape Victim Compensation Claim Agreements
- Get Free Advice About Claims For Sexual Violence
- Ask Our Team About How To Calculate Compensation For Rape Victims
- Related Guides And Victim Support Resources
- FAQs On Claims For Rape And Sexual Offences
A Guide To Using A Rape Victim Compensation Calculator
If you’ve experienced rape, you may not be sure whether or not you are able to claim compensation for the harm caused to you. Our personal injury calculator can help you work out if you can claim and how much you could claim against the perpetrator directly.
The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) could help you receive compensation for criminal injuries where you cannot make a direct claim for compensation. They’re an executive government-sponsored agency that compensates victims of violent crimes in England, Scotland and Wales.
There are some differences between these two ways of making a claim. For example, the CICA have their own tariff of injuries. They also have a claims time limit of two years, in contrast to the three-year time limit that generally applies to personal injury claims. Furthermore, if you’re claiming through the CICA, the incident in which you were injured must have been reported to the police.
They may accommodate for exceptional circumstances where the application could not have been submitted earlier. For more information about the time limits for applying, please visit their website.
What Is Rape?
The Crime Prosecution Service (CPS) prosecutes criminal cases that have been worked by investigative organisations, such as the police, in England and Wales. Rape is defined as when “a person uses their penis without consent to penetrate the vagina, mouth or anus of another person.”
Because of the definition of rape, it cannot be committed by someone who does not have a penis. However, someone without a penis can be guilty of sexual assault, including sexual assault by penetration. This is where the assailant penetrates the victim’s anus or vagina without their consent, either with a body part or a foreign object.
What Things Could You Claim For After Sexual Offences?
There are potentially two heads of claim when you’re seeking compensation for a rape victim, as there is with any type of personal injury claim. However, these heads of claim differ depending on the method through which you pursue your claim.
Making a claim directly
When you make a personal injury claim in the traditional way, your compensation could consist of general and special damages. General damages relate to the physical pain and suffering, emotional trauma and decline in your quality of life caused by the injury.
Special damages, meanwhile, relate to the financial losses caused by the injury. This could involve:
- Loss of earnings
- Loss of future earnings
- Travel costs
- Prescriptions and medicine
Claims through the CICA
When you make a claim through the CICA, your compensation will be valued based on their tariff of injuries. You’ll be asked to provide medical evidence that proves your injuries.
You could also claim special expenses as part of your CICA claim. In order to claim special expenses, you will need to show that you lost earning capacity for 28 weeks following the accident. The things that you claim for special expenses need to be necessary, incurred directly as a result of your injuries and reasonable. You cannot claim for anything that you could have gotten elsewhere for free.
If you’re unsure what you can claim, please use our rape victim compensation calculator or, if you prefer, give our 24/7 advisors a call using the phone number at the top of this page.
About Rape And Sexual Offences
This section will highlight some of the different incidents and scenarios where you may be able to claim rape victim compensation. It will also define the difference between rape and sexual assault, look at the importance of consent and what evidence you may need to receive compensation for a rape victim in the UK.
Rape And Sexual Assault
The Metropolitan Police define sexual assault as “a sexual act, inflicted on someone without their consent”. As we have already mentioned, rape involves non-consensual penetration with a penis. While rape is a specific act, sexual assault is an umbrella term that can encompass many different things.
Negative effects created by these sorts of acts include:
- Psychiatric damage means you struggle to form new and meaningful relationships.
- You become dependant on drugs and alcohol as a result of the psychological harm you have experienced.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or anxiety and depression, could greatly affect the quality of your life and your ability to function. You can use our rape victim compensation calculator to see how much you could be owed for your injuries. Or, if you would prefer, you can speak to a member of our team today for a no-obligation valuation of your claim.
Consent For Sexual Activity
Consent is crucial in distinguishing between a legal sexual encounter and an instance of sexual assault. Examples of situations where consent hasn’t been given, and that would therefore be considered rape, include:
- Having sex with someone who is on drugs or is too drunk to give consent.
- Performing oral sex on someone who is asleep and is therefore unable to consent.
- Someone using a threat of violence as a way of getting another person to agree to have sex with them. Even if the person technically said yes or agreed to the encounter, this would be classed as rape. This is because consent must be given freely; you cannot be coerced into consenting to sex.
Rape Compensation – Do I Need Evidence?
A conviction is not necessary to claim rape compensation through the CICA. However, you will need evidence to claim victim compensation in the UK.
You will need to provide the CICA with:
- The police reference number from when you reported the crime.
- Residency requirement evidence.
- Medical proof of your rape injuries.
- Evidence of any special expenses you are claiming for.
Reporting a crime to the police is essential if you are claiming through the CICA. The CICA will confirm with the police that you reported the crime and also potentially take any evidence they collect into consideration.
If you are seeking rape compensation through a personal injury claim directly against the perpetrator, you may require other evidence.
Examples that could be used in a personal injury claim:
- CCTV, dashcam or mobile phone footage.
- Witness contact details.
- Medical records.
You can discuss evidence for victim compensation in the UK with our advisors by calling the number at the top of the page.
Physical Injuries Caused By Rape And Sexual Offences
One of the reasons you may be looking to use a rape victim compensation calculator is to value the physical and psychological injuries that can be caused by rape or sexual assault. Both kinds of injuries are considered when asking the question, “do rape victims get compensation?”.
Examples of physical injuries that can occur as a result of sexual assault include:
- Cuts leading to scar injuries
- Injury to your genitals or internal organs
- Contracting an STI
- A brain injury
PTSD And Other Emotional Injuries
Psychiatric damage can greatly change how someone is able to cope with a number of different aspects of their life. It can have a lasting effect on their mental health, which can affect their ability to work or form and maintain relationships.
Examples of psychological injuries caused by rape include:
- Developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as a result of being raped multiple times. This could leave you wondering, “how much compensation for a rape victim?” You could see how much you could receive by using our rape victim compensation calculator.
- If you’re a victim of sexual assault, this could lead to anxiety. This could stop you from being able to work as a result.
- You may fall into a depression as a result of being raped. This could lead you to self-harm.
Rape And Sexual Violence Statistics
The Office of National Statistics compiled the information supplied from the March 2020 Crime Survey of England and Wales. This data included figures regarding incidents of rape and sexual assault.
As you can see above, 43% of male sexual assault victims were raped by a stranger while, with females, this is only 15%. In contrast, only 25% of male victims were sexually assaulted by a partner or ex-partner. For females, however, that percentage increases to 45%.
The percentages in these statistics may add up to more than 100%. This is because, in some cases, more than one perpetrator could be identified.
If you want free legal advice or simply want to speak to one of our advisors about making a claim, call us using the phone number at the top of this screen.
Claiming The Costs Of Physical And Emotional Care After Sex-Based Crimes
There’s another aspect of financial losses you could potentially claim if you’re pursuing compensation as a rape victim in the UK. Physical and emotional care after sexual assault can be vital to your recovery and could cost you money. You would, however, need evidence to prove the financial losses you’ve had to sustain.
Examples of things that you could claim include:
- Therapy sessions or private group sessions to help with the recovery
- Adjustments to your home, such as a care bed or chair lift, if the injuries you’ve suffered have affected your mobility.
- Costs of a care nurse or gracious care if, for example, a loved one is taking time off work to look after you.
The above examples are only applicable in claims made directly against the perpetrator. If you claim through the CICA, care costs are covered by special expenses and are more restrictive.
For example, you can only claim care costs through the CICA if they relate to your bodily functions, the preparation of meals and supervision where you would otherwise be a danger to yourself or others.
If you’re able to successfully prove these losses, this could be taken into consideration when looking at the amount of rape compensation you could receive.
How Do You Use A Rape Victim Compensation Calculator?
Being the victim of sexual assault can have a severe impact on your quality of life. Making a claim for compensation could help you manage the repercussions you are experiencing. You can use our rape compensation calculator to accurately value your claim.
All you need to do is input the type of injuries you’ve suffered, the circumstances of the injuries and any financial losses you may need to claim. However, this only relates to claims made directly against the person who committed the offence.
How Much Compensation Could Rape Victims Expect To Get?
General damages are the part of your compensation awarded to you for the harm you have experienced. As part of your claim, you will be invited to a medical assessment where an independent expert examines your injuries. The report from this will be used alongside guidelines from the Judicial College to help value your claim.
Special damages (or special expenses if claiming through the CICA) can supplement this compensation. If you have suffered a lot of financial losses due to your injuries and are able to provide sufficient evidence, it could greatly increase the amount of sexual assault compensation you could receive.
You will need evidence to prove the losses you are looking to claim back. Examples of evidence you could use include:
- Receipts
- Invoices
- Bank statements
Rape Victim Compensation Calculator
It can be difficult to know the amount of criminal injuries compensation because of the level of physical and psychiatric injury you could suffer due to sexual assault. Our personal injury calculator can help you understand what you could receive if your claim was successful. This is based on figures from the Judicial College Guidelines.
Because our compensation calculator does not include CICA figures, we have included the table below. This contains compensation amounts that come from their tariff of injuries.
Injury | Severity | Compensation Amount | Details |
Scarring | Serious | £4,600 | Seriously disfiguring scars to neck |
Sexual assault | Severe | £3,300 | Assault involving penetration without a penis, or oral-genital acts |
Mental illness from sexual assault | Severe | £27,000 | Where assault involving penetration without a penis, or oral-genital acts, has led to permanently disabling and severe mental illness. |
Sexual assault | Serious | £3,300 | Sexual offence committed against a child or an adult who does not have the mental capacity to consent. Pattern of repetitive sexual physical acts that do not involve penetration and occur under clothing. |
Skull | Fracture | £4,600 | Depressed fracture requiring surgery. |
Hands | Significant | £6,200 | Fractures to both hands with continuing significant disability. |
Pelvis | Significant | £11,000 | A broken pelvis causing continuing significant disability. |
Mental | Disabling | £6,200 | Disabling diagnosed mental injury lasting at least 2 years up to 5 years. |
Mental | Permanent | £27,000 | Permanent diagnosed mental injury that is seriously disabling. |
We completely understand if you’re looking for a more accurate estimate of your claim. Our advisors provide free legal advice 24/7, so you can get in touch today for a more accurate assessment of your claim.
No Win No Fee Rape Victim Compensation Claim Agreements
Our panel of solicitors offer their services on a No Win No Fee basis. This means that:
- Your personal injury solicitor will not request legal fees either upfront or during the claims process. Furthermore, they will only take a legally capped amount from your compensation if your claim is successful.
- They will also not charge you anything if your case is unsuccessful.
Furthermore, a No Win No Fee agreement is a good indicator that your claim is strong. This is because a solicitor is taking a risk when offering this kind of agreement. Because of this, they will only offer these agreements when they are fairly confident that the claim will be a success.
If you would like to know more about making a claim on a No Win No Fee basis, why not speak to our team today? One of our advisors could connect you with a solicitor from our panel.
Get Free Advice About Claims For Sexual Violence
Our compensation payout calculator could tell you in minutes about the amount of compensation you could receive. Our 24/7 advisors offer free legal advice so, if you have any questions or queries, you can call them at a time that works for you. The expertise of our panel of No Win No Fee solicitors could help you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
You can:
- Call us now using 0800 408 7826
- Write to us using the Live Chat window on the right-hand side of your screen.
- Contact us through our website.
Ask Our Team About How To Calculate Compensation For Rape Victims
You may not want to use our compensation calculator because you prefer to speak to someone in order to get a valuation for your claim. Alternatively, you may be having some trouble using the calculator.
If this is the case, don’t worry; our team are on hand and waiting to take your call. They can walk you through the process of using the calculator. However, they can also value your claim themselves if you prefer.
Related Guides And Victim Support Resources
If you’d like more information, please refer to the links below.
For more guidance about dealing with rape and sexual assault, visit the NHS website.
To know more about PTSD, visit the Mind website.
Rape Crisis offers statistics about sexual violence that you can find here.
Have you suffered psychological injuries and want to want to know more about claiming? If so, read our guide.
If you’ve broken your arm and want to see if you can claim, this article could help.
Have you experienced a broken leg and want to know if you can claim? We’ve linked to a guide that you may find useful.
FAQs On Claims For Rape And Sexual Offences
For answers about frequently asked questions in relation to rape victim compensation, view below.
What is the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA)?
The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority deals with compensation claims from people who have suffered as a result due to violent crimes in England, Scotland and Wales. Our panel of solicitors could help you submit your claim to them.
Do victims of abuse get compensation?
Yes, they can. You can either claim against the perpetrator directly or make a claim through the CICA.
Who pays compensation to victims of crime?
If your claim is successful, the compensation could be paid through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. On the other hand, if you have claimed against the person who committed the offence, they will pay your compensation.
What can you get compensation for?
You can use our rape victim compensation calculator if you have been raped or sexually assaulted. You could claim compensation for physical and psychological injuries. Furthermore, you could claim back costs associated with your injuries.
Thank you for reading our guide on using our rape victim compensation calculator.
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